Wireless and Loving It

Today’s installment comes via a RoamAbout PCMCIA card in my PowerBook, the old Airport card back in the iBook and a new Airport base station. Yes folks, the house has a wireless network. Very much geeking out.

I got the Airport base station and the RoamAbout card for the price I would have paid for the RoamAbout card everywhere else I looked. So, using government accounting practices, I invested the money I didn’t spend elsewhere on something I didn’t need.

A couple of items of interest on this. First, the Airport software built in to OS X is great. I have an Airport card in the iBook and with it I can tell the Airport base station to dial up the internet and hang up. Totally cool. But with the Roamabout card in the PowerBook I have to use third party drivers. The Airport extensions don’t work. So I had to get a Java app to do this for me. These work wonderfully. If this is an option for you, get this software. I was hoping that, being a Java app, someone had turned it in to a Konfabulator widget, but I haven’t found one yet. Here’s hoping.

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