Site Update Round Ups

A few websites have recently undergone updates. One is immediately visible, the other is not and one is now functioning as promised.

Ligioner Ministries’ website update is dramatic and beautiful. The site is now the Ligioner Ministries Media Center. Now you can listen to RC Sproul teach, as you could before, but now video is available as well. Many years ago, when I was first getting turned on to Reformed theology, I used to hang out at this website’s message boards. They are no longer available but they were challenging and edifying. Now the Ligionier site looks crisp and professional with pleanty of good content. Great stuff and well done.

John Piper’s ministry, Desiring God, did a recent update of their website but you wouldn’t notice it from the home page that much. I didn’t notice the change. But they have added more content and tried to make navigation easier. Adding more of John Piper’s work and making it available on the web is a good thing in my book.

Free Derek Webb is now up and running. You can go there and get a free download of Derek’s album Mockingbird. I bought it when it first came out but now you can get the whole thing for free. Sweet deal. A New Law really hit me.

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