One Last Thing

I’ve just finished Sam Stroms’ One Thing . It was a pretty good read and as I’ve said it is an entry level introduction to Christian Hedonism. It sort of goes along with the UnveilinGlory seminars. Popular format introduction to finding your greatest satisfaction in God. And pursuing it.

I’ve already mentioned one part that I found really helpful and the last chapter of the book is right on too. Stroms looks at something that has become a pretty popular subject lately: eschatology. In reference to a piece in Time magazine, Storms says:

The article that followed was an attempt to account for the increased curiosity concerning when the world might come to an end as well as the staggering sales of the Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins fictional series, Left Behind. On reading this article one might think the end of history is all about the Antichrist or Israel or the rapture or 666 or any number of other themes associated with the theology of dispensationalism. But it isn’t. The end of history is all about the beauty of God.

He couldn’t be more correct. All the end time fascination centers on mystery and speculation. But it shouldn’t. I doubt that most people find Left Behind (and other, similar works) encouraging, yet this is how Paul saw eschatology. However, instead of being frightened of being left behind or fearful of accidently accepting the mark of the beast or any other number of worries, eschatology is supposed to be encouraging as we look forward to what it is all about: Jesus return. When he comes to rule in righteousness and peace. When we, thought we have not seen him, will see him in glory. Wow. That is a whole lot more encouraging to me!

I’ll remember this chapter if I ever do a class on eschatology. It would make an appropriate introduction to the subject.

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