Mugs hot

I don’t know why I like this but I do:

I kind of think I’d like one! Thought it strikes me as being pretty geeky like checking to see what it is like outside instead of looking out the window. Maybe it is nostalgia. I was involved in the first flight of the B-2 back in 1989 and for that I got a mug. Like the beauty above, it changes with hot liquid. It has a drawing of the B-2 on it and it changes from saying “Out of the Black” with the B-2s wheels down to “Into the Blue” with wheels up. But it still isn’t as cool as this!

Help me. I’m a nerd. I’ve got one of these babies on my desk.

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  • So what is wrong with checking

  • Nothing. I do it all the time. However, if it is the only way you know what the weather is like, well, that might be a problem. :)

  • Should I go outside?

  • Yes, Dracula, maybe you should! :)

    Can’t wait for winter to end.

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