God at Work in the World

John Piper has blogged on the book Peace Like A River so a few things are sure to happen:

  1. It will sell a bunch quickly.
  2. Amazon reviews will greatly multiply.
  3. Bloggers will review it to pieces and most will find it wonderful.
  4. Someone (or a few someones) will give one away on their blog.

Such is the impact of a celebrity  theologian. :) Before the frenzy begins I just wanted make a few brief observations. Not so much about the book; all I’ve read is the preview available on Amazon. I trust Piper’s judgment on the rest of the book. From the little bit I have read, the author writes characters who live as though God were real. As though he were at work in the world. The God in Peace Like A River is not a deist god who you can talk to to make yourself feel better but can be safely assured that  he/she won’t actually doing anything. God in Peace is an active character. He does stuff. The people seem real, not like plastic dashboard saints.

This is the Christian worldview depicted in fiction that I was looking for in Fireproof. I wonder if Sherwood Pictures should be talking to Leif Enger (the author of Peace Like A River) about movie rights? At a minimum I think the writers at Sherwood should read and digest this book.

Let the blog frenzy begin now.

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