• I hope that finishes the discussion, too. It’s stuff like this last round of silliness that makes McLaren look even remotely credible.

  • Yea, but you know it won’t be brother. Somehow people think Allen is using End of the Spear as a platform to promote homosexuality. I can’t see how him depicting a straight, Christian, loving father and husband who dies for the cause of the gospel and the straight, Christian son who forgives those who killed him is a platform for promoting homosexuality. Or am I missing something?

  • No, there’s no way the good message of the film is subverted by this.
    I’m in agreement with you.

    My point is that the evangelical world’s uproar about Chad Allen just makes the evangelicalicl world look homophobic when there is no point to it. This is where a McLaren comes in with his 5 year moratorium proposal (horrible proposal, too). General evangelical silliness on this issue is what leads a reactionary like McLaren to think the way he does. It almost gives him a point.

    A thought experimet (and I know I’m preaching to the choir): let’s say there is a bio-pic on Paul, an even greater saint than Saint Saint (as if such measurements made much sense). And horrors! It turns out that they miscast–gasp–a sinner in Paul’s role. How could this be? A sinner in the part of the chief among sinners!?! Oh wait. Never mind. It’s ok.

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