Ah, what a week!

All righty! I’m back from my whirlwind tour. The trip was a lot of fun and we laughed most of the time. Except, or especially rather, when I twisted my ankle and the recovered and got my fingers slammed in the door of the car. I ate out every night at some wonderful restaurants in various cities and made new friends in my (near) future office. A very good week.

The highlight for me was St. Louis. I got to catch up with my very good friends CarteĆ© and Colleen Bales. He was just back from Kenya and kind of faded around 9:30 or so but I totally understood. It was a great time to compare notes and see what God has been doing in each other’s lives since seminary.

The next day, after we finished our presentation at the store, I got to have lunch with an internet buddy, Zack Becker aka Doc Misterio. Unfortunately, Zack and I didn’t get much time together. We grabbed lunch and talked about Mark Driscoll and about personal matters and about generosity and graciousness in doing theology. Neat young man and I hope to run into him again and have more time.

The best part is that I’m home now.

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  • Hey Tim, welcome back!!! Sounds like a delightful trip.

  • “Very good friends” — back at ya, brother. It was SO refreshing to see you!

  • Well, that’s what I consider you guys. Correct me if I’m wrong. :)

    Graduate is December 18th, I hope you can make it.

  • Hey dude – you’re right — at least from my perspective (back at ya). Thanks for the piece on Lisa — reminds me to be praying for her, and you.

    Spent the morning with Darrin Patrick (Journey being an emergent church. The audio will be posted on the Covenant site. Nothing really new, but good to hear again. He does challenge McLaren et al to come out and state what they really believe, doctrinally, in some areas — be candid, in other words. Interesting.
    Miss ya, bro.

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