Devotion to God–there is no substitute for this in the preacher’s character and conduct. Devotion to a church, to opinions, to an organization, to orthodoxy–these are paltry, misleading, and vain when they become the source of inspiration. God must be the mainspring of the preacher’s efforts, the fountain and crown of his toil. The name and honor of Jesus Christ, the advance of His cause, must be all in all. The preacher must have no inspiration but the name of Jesus Christ, no ambition but to have Him glorified, not toil but for Him. Then prayer will be the source of his illuminations, the means of perpetual advancement, the gauge of his success. The continual aim, the only ambition the preacher can cherish, is to have God with him. – E. M. Bounds, Power Through Prayer, chapter 8
A Pastor’s Devotion

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