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Handful of Links

Just some random links and comments. No particular order.

Dinosaur Eel Better Than Modern Variety [1]. So this eel is referred to as a “dinosaur eel” because, they say, it’s family tree goes back 96 million years. Its scales are uberengineered. Though thin, they are made up of four layers and when impacted, they don’t crack lengthwise, they crack in circles so it is almost impossible to puncture. The scale is lighter than modern versions, thinner and more durable. So why don’t other eels have that kind of scale? There doesn’t appear to be any drawbacks to it. Why did this eel keep its super scales? Just doesn’t sound to me like they just evolved.

An Appropriate Level of Superivsion [2]. The more I hear about the Chick-fil-A owner the more I respect him. Some pre-teens(!) broke into his house, fired off fire extinguishers, threw eggs and had a food fight on the tennis court. Damages come to about $30,00. But Mr. Cathy didn’t press charges. He didn’t want the girls to spend time in juvenile detention. He didn’t want them to have a criminal history. Instead, he cut a deal with their parents. No video games and they have to read books. What a great idea! The courts aren’t the answer for everything, parental supervision should be considered. Love it.

Run [3]. I haven’t done it yet, but I am going to register have registered for my first 5k. It is in September at a forest preserve near my house. The beginners program I’m using is called “The Couch-to-5k Running Plan [4]” so that should work, right? Right?