I’m Tim Etherington. I’m the pastor of Trinity Community Church in Lancaster in southern California and teach computers at Antelope Valley College. I am married to Lisa and we have three successful, grown kids: Ben, Bernadette, and Gil. Lisa and I own a golden retriever named Linus who is a Very Good Dog™. I grew up in a suburb of Detroit, spent 22 years in the Air Force, and jokingly say that I’m on my third career. Retire early and retire often, I guess.
I have an associates degree in applied avioinics from the Community College of the Air Force, a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Chapman University and a Masters of Divinity from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. For hobbies I spend too much time on the internet and infrequently blog. I also like to read, do pretty well on New York Times crossword puzzles, and can hold my own at Scrabble. Oh, and I brew my own beer.
Articles I’ve had published:
Bug or Design Feature? at Patheos The Evangelical Pulpit, June 29, 2018
Maybe We Don’t Want to Be Evangelicals Anymore at EFCA Today Blog, February 6, 2018
Genesis Wasn’t Written to Answer Our Scientific Questions at EFCA Today Blog, January 30, 2017
Comic Books, Human Books, and Holy Books at Redeeming Culture, October 12, 2016